How can my tours gain visibility on Klapty as well as on search tools such as the Google search engine?
How can my tours become even more visible on Klapty and on search engines like Google?
Klapty allows for the creation and publication of tours either on public mode or private mode, with optional password protection.
If the tour is public, that's when it can get the most visibility possible.
The first step to give more visibility to your virtual tours on Klapty, Google Search, Bing, Yandex, etc., is to have a complete and awe-inspiring tour:
The basics: high quality tour and high quality photos
Use a nice photo as the thumbnail to showcase your tour (the thumbnail is a preview of what the visitor will see after they click)
Fill in the text field "Tour description" with at least 80 characters that explain: what is this tour, where, when, why (don't try to trick Google or Klapty Use a real unique text description for each of your tours. Here, only the duration of the visit combined with the number of views will be taken into account)
Enhance your 360° tours with information points, also known as ""i hotspots""
Add a floor plan, music (MP3, audio, voice) and your own logos and a URL of your choice on each tour so that once your visitors click they'll land on your website or your chosen social media page! But try to keep it as straight-forward as possible for the user's and the visitor's experience.
Maximise the number of comments and likes for your immersive 360 tours: the more you share your tours, the more likes and views you'll get, the more your profile will become popular and the more visible.
Share your 360 tours everywhere and any time: visitors or prospects will come to you like magic!

Updated on: 21/01/2021